Welcome to Munkhuulei A photography! My aim with this blog is to share pictures of both big and small things from my every day life. You are welcome to visit my Flick also. Please, pretty please, do not use any of my photographs without my written permission. That means, no blogging, downloading or publishing in any way without asking me first. It's only polite, after all. Thanks for looking by!

Down Town - НЭГ ӨДӨР

Sukhbaatar Square (Сүхбаатарын талбай) is the central square of the Ulaanbaatar Mongolia.  Нэг өдөр орой нар жаргаж байх үеэр талбай явангаа хэдэн зураг авлаа.. camera хөл байхгүй байсан болохоор жаахан хөдөлсөн муухан авсан байх а . 
надад л гоё харагдаж байна.  
when i was walk there i don't have camera leg . maybe little bit move it.

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